IELTS Grammar Exercises | Unit 5: Grammar Exercises of Future Tenses 1


Following will be the grammar exercises of future tenses which support for the Unit 5: Future Tenses 1. If you want to read more about future tenses before starting doing the exercises, you can read more here.

1. Fill in the gaps in the second half of this model answer with phrases from the box.

Thanks to modern technology, there have been enormous changes in the workplace over the past 100 years.

What are the most significant changes that have occurred and what changes do you foresee in the next 100 years?

are going to feelare going to happenare likely to lead to
are likely to occurare predicted to workis likely to become
will be will continuewill develop
will findwill havewill result

So. now let us consider the changes that (1) are likely to occur in the next 100 years. Unfortunately. I believe that not all changes (2) …………….. for the better. For example, in the future more and

more people (3) ……………. from home and so they (4) ……………. more isolated from their colleagues. On the other hand, they (5) ……………. (certainly) greater freedom to choose their working hours.

A further possible change is that handwriting (6) …………….. obsolete. We are already so used to using a keyboard that today’s children are losing the ability to spell without the aid of a word processor

Without a doubt, even greater changes (7) ………………. technology used in the workplace. Computers (8) ………………. (undoubtedly) to grow even more powerful and this (9) ………………. (probably) in an even faster pace of life than we have now. Let us hope that our employers (10) ……………….   a way to reduce the stress on workers this fast pace can bring.

I also think these improvements in technology (11) ………………. even more globalisation than now and companies (12) ………………. very strong international links.

2. Underline the most suitable form of the verbs

Dear Paul and Claire

We’re having a wonderful time here in France. The weather is beautiful and we’ve got lots of plans for how to spend the next couple of weeks.

Tomorrow (1) we’re going out / we will go out on a glass-bottomed boat to look at the wonderful sea life, and then on Wednesday we think (2) we’re taking / we’ll take a tour of the old town. Ollie’s aunt lives quite close, so (3) we’re visiting/we’re going to visit her too if we have time.

The hotel is lovely and lively and has lots of good night life. Tonight (4) they’re holding / they’ll hold an international evening, with lots of food from different countries.

As you know, we’re here with our friends, John and Wendy, but (5) they aren’t staying they won’t stay as long as us, so (6) we’re probably doing / we’ll probably do the really touristy’ things with them, and be lazy in our second week.

You can hire small sailing boats for the day, so we think (7) we’re doing/we’re going to do that next week, and (8) we’re also going to try/we’re also trying to have time to do some shopping!

I hope you are ready for your big trip. 9 You’re Loving / You’ll Love

Australia. In fact (10) you’re going to probably end up / you’ll probably end up staying there much longer than you’ve planned.

Have a great time, and (11) we’re going to see / we’ll see you when you get back.

Love Kath and Ollie

3. Fill in the gaps with the present continuous or will-future form of the verbs in brackets.

Kirsty: Hi Elaine. It’s Kirsty, here.
Elaine: Hello, how are you?
Kirsty: Fine. Listen, I know this is very short notice but are you doing.. (1 do) anything tonight?
Elaine: Nothing why?
Kirsty: Well I ……….. (2 take) my class to the theatre, but one of them can’t go. Would you like to come?Elaine: I’d love to. What’s the play about?
Kirsty: Oh, I ……….. (3 tell) you all about that a little later. I ……….. (4 pick) you up at 6.30 – is that okay?Elaine: Yes, OK. Or how about meeting a bit earlier? We could have a coffee beforehand.
Kirsty: Well, I ……….. (5 see) the school principal at four, but I suppose I could come after that. My meeting ……….. (6 probably/finish) at about 5.30. Is that okay?
Elaine: Yes, of course. What time does the play actually start?
Kirsty: At 7.30, although we ……….. (7 need) to be there before as I ………..  (8 meet) my students at the theatre at seven. Afterwards they ………..  (9 probably/want) to talk about the play for a little while. But I ………..  (10 not/go on) for too long. There……….. (11 be) plenty of time for us to discuss it at tomorrow’s lesson.
Elaine: That’s fine. I ……….. (12 see) you at 5.30!

4. Write sentences about yourself

1/ Write two intentions about your future.

2/ Write three plans or arrangements for your future.

3/ Predict three things that you think will happen to the workplace in the future.