IELTS Grammar Exercises | Unit 3: Grammar Exercises of Present Perfect


After learning the grammar for IELTS of unit 3 of the present perfect, you might want to apply and check with thisGrammar Exercises of Present Perfect.

Let’s do the following tasks and check your answer in the end of the post.

1. Tick (✔) the correct underlined verbs, and correct the verbs that
are wrong.

I would like to be considered for your degree course in Zoology, starting in October next year. I feel I am a good candidate for this course as I (1) have always  been interested in natural history and even as a child I (2) have enjoyed have enjoyed studying animals and insects in my garden. Your science faculty has a good reputation and I would very much like to be part of it.
As you (3) already saw in Section A of this application, I have a good
academic record and I (4) just received the results of my recent exams, all of which (5) have been excellent.
In addition, your university attracts me because I enjoy sports and I
(6) have read in your prospectus about the large number of sports on offer. Last year I (7)  have represented my school at badminton and I (8) played in football teams since I was eleven. I (9)  have recently joined a basketball team which competes at a national level.
I (10) did not travel abroad much yet, although as a young child I (11) have been fo Singapore and Hong Kong with my family. I realize that I (12) have not spent much time away from home up to now, but am keen to become more independent:
4) ………

2. Look at the chart and fill in the gaps with the past simple or present perfect simple of the verbs in brackets to make true sentences.

  1. The chart shows the percentage of British adults who have used (use) the Internet since 1995.
  2. The number of women who have ever used the Internet ……….. (increase) by more than 60% since 1995.
  3. The percentage of men who have accessed the Internet ……….. (rise) to 60% in 2005.
  4. The number of women to have accessed the Internet ……….. (rise) each year.
  5. The percentage of men who used the Internet ……….. (be) greater than the percentage of women from 1995 to 2005.
  6. However, British women ……….. (overtake) British men in Internet usage since 2005.
  7. The total number of people accessing the Internet ……….. (grow) each year although the most significant rise ……….. (occur) between 1995 and 2000.

3. Underline the correct form of the verbs

To: Paul Johnson
From: Sunita Soh
Subject: Seminar presentation on Friday
Dear Paul
(1) I’ve just received / I’ve just been receiving your message to us all about the seminar on Friday. (2) I’ve worked / I’ve been working on my presentation for the last week, and (3) have now finished/ now finished it, so I am happy to be one of the first to present it. However, (4) I’ve made / I made an appointment to see the university careers advisor immediately after the seminar, so I will need to leave on time.
I’d like some advice about my presentation. At last week’s lecture (5) you’ve said / you said that we should use visual aids as much as possible. (6) I haven’t found / I didn’t find anything to use. Is it essential? (7) I’ve done / I did lots of presentations before, and I feel OK about this one. In my last presentation (8) I used / I have been using the overhead projector, and I want to do this again – does this count as a visual aid?
One last question: (9) I’ve been / I went to Professor Russell’s lecture yesterday, and (10) have been learning/learnt quite a lot that is relevant to this course. Is it okay to refer to another course in my presentation? (11) I’ve been wondering / I wondered about this – maybe it is better to stick to the materials and references (12) you’ve given / you’ve been giving us. I hope you can let me know.

Thanks for your help.

4. Fill in the gaps with a verb from the box in the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. You will need to use some verbs more than once.

be – do – feel – have – live – pass – study – start – take – travel – want – work

Interviewer:How long have…you been living. (1 you) here?  
Student:I …………………(2) in London for the past three years. I come from Japan originally. I …………………  (3) at a college here since I arrived.  
Interviewer:…………………  (4 you) any travelling over the past three years?  
Student:Yes, I ………………… (5) really lucky. I have long holidays so …………………  (6) all over Europe. I especially liked Spain.  
Interviewer:What is the most interesting thing you ………………… (7) recently?  
Student:Well, I ………………… (8) to play tennis, and I ………………… (9) singing lessons for a few months now too. But the thing that I am most proud of is that I ………………… (10 just) my driving test. It’s the first time I ………………… (11) it so I’m really pleased but I ………………… (12 never) so nervous in all my life!
Interviewer:How do you think English will be useful in your life?  
Student:I ………………… (13) a Hospitality and Tourism course over here, so I need English for my studies and my job. I ………………… (14 always) to work in the tourist industry because I ………………… (15 always) interested in history and cultural sites, and I ………………… (16 already) as a tour guide in my home town.

Now answer these questions about yourself.
17 How long have you been studying English?
18 Have you studied any other languages? (Which ones? For how long?)
19 Have you travelled very much? (Where have you been to?)
20 What have you been doing to prepare for this exam?
21 How has your life changed over the past ten years?